Sunday, August 28, 2005

Homer's Hot Tip, Volume III, No.9

Homer's Hot Tip
August 28, 2005

Kid: My gosh Homer, where have you been? I haven't seen you anywhere, not in your yard, not at the broker's office, not even at the grocery story watching you talk yourself into a bag of Oreos. So where ya' been?

Homer: Vacation.

Kid: Vacation! No wonder. Do you have any idea what's been going on? Oil prices are going through the roof, interest rates are up and this Cindy thing in Crawford, Texas where the President is spending some of his own vacation time. All this is just beating up my confidence.

Homer: So why don't I just give you a little info and perhaps you won't worry so much. How about that?

Kid: You're joshing me, right?

Homer: No, I'm serious, you deserve to get a little information to keep those juices flowing, don't you think - what with oil prices, Cindee, the President and all?

Kid: Oh yea! You're the greatest Homer. What do you have?
Homer: Can you keep a secret?

Kid: Of course Homer, please tell.

Homer: Well, I ran across this little gem while I was on vacation. It's so obscure that if you have an ounce of pure speculator in your blood, you should look at it.

Kid: Are you going to tell me about it or not?

Homer: Sure. The company is the 'diamond in the rough' that people like to imagine can make them a fortune. This is one of those rare deals that the public has not heard about yet.
Kid: Tell me more.

Homer: The Company is Spooz Inc. It's trading at about two cents a share, has a short term target of six and slightly longer projection that could see it in the teens.

Kid: Are you kidding me Homer? You're telling me about a penny stock! I don't believe it.

Homer: Believe it. The symbol is SPZI (OTC)First, do a search on Spooz with your favorite search engine. This is going to give you information I'm not inclined to stand here and provide. You want to know about it Kid, look it up.

Kid: OK, I'll give it a go.Homer: I will tell you however that Spooz, Inc. is a financial technology solutions company specializing in the futures, options and stocks market. This little company has developed unique and proprietary software for high volume professional traders, hedgers, and lower volume personal trading use. SpoozToolz is the company's flagship software product and has allegedly proven to be readily accepted, profitable, and timely by market users.

Kid: Wow!

Homer: Keep in mind Kid I haven't tried this myself but Spooz is supposed to be the leader in the field of Microsoft Excel based trading solutions. Their suite of technology products provide the most versatile configuration of trading screens, analysis screens and automated trading systems in the marketplace. The company's customers range from large financial institutions, clearing firms, and brokerages to private investors. Spooz also has reportedly developed patentable, proprietary business enabling software and processes that could transform its industry.

Kid: What do you know about the management?

Homer: Nothing other than it is supposed to be experienced.

Kid: Why do you like it?

Homer: Simple Kid, it's first to market and has the real opportunity to be the industry standard. Now if the company has even the slightest bit of experience at the helm directing its efforts it can drive a growth program to expand the company rapidly.
Kid: Can you tell me anything else?
Homer: Until the advent of SpoozToolz, Excel's use for live market data analysis had been vastly limited by its Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) feature for receiving live data. Spooz's proprietary software replaces DDE and further enables Excel to receive live streaming market data and perform the multiple cell referencing necessary for market data analysis.

Kid: Are you telling me I should buy it?
Homer: Nope.

Kid: Nope? But, you just told me all about this hot potato, what am I supposed to do?

Homer: You're a big boy Kid, you decide. See ya' around.

Kid: Homer! Dad-gum-it, he's like the Phantom, now you see him, now you don't.